Who is a suitable candidate for NAD+ infusions?

NAD+ infusions have become more popular over time but who is a suitable candidate?

We all experience fatigue, lack of energy, and mental sluggishness, with occasional difficulty concentrating or forgetfulness. These symptoms can be age-related, and result from specific illnesses, or chronic conditions.

Another contributing factor to decreased mental and physical vitality is the depletion of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) in the body. NAD is a coenzyme naturally produced by the body, aiding in energy production and supporting cellular functions by acting as a helper molecule for proteins.

NAD plays a vital role in promoting healthy cell growth, maintaining muscle tone and function, mitigating mitochondrial damage, and lengthening telomeres, which protect DNA and slow down the aging process.

However, NAD levels naturally decline over time, and factors such as stress, sleep disorders, environmental elements, or substance use can expedite the aging process. This is where NAD+ IV (intravenous) infusions can be beneficial by replenishing NAD levels, improving metabolism, preventing age-related diseases, enhancing cognitive function, and supporting healthy mitochondrial growth.

How can you determine if NAD+ IV therapy is suitable for you?

Individuals experiencing low energy levels, mental fog, age-related effects, or specific age-related illnesses and chronic conditions can greatly benefit from NAD+ IV therapy. Even those who are healthy, such as athletes, can use NAD+ infusions to enhance performance, endurance, and recovery from injuries or intense exercise.

Research supports the use of NAD+ IV infusion therapy for various conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety/depression, chronic fatigue, diabetes, fibromyalgia, heart disease, memory and cognitive issues, mitochondrial dysfunction, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease. There is even evidence suggesting its effectiveness in addiction recovery, aiding in repairing brain cells damaged by substance abuse and reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.


Research shows that NAD+ IV infusion therapy is a good option for those dealing with:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heart disease
  • Memory and cognitive issues
  • Mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease

Emerging evidence suggests that NAD+ could offer benefits to individuals struggling with addiction. It has been found to aid in the restoration of brain cells damaged by substance abuse and the regeneration of opiate receptors. As a result, NAD+ can help reduce cravings, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, and contribute to diminished substance dependence, ultimately facilitating a faster path to addiction recovery.

It’s important for our patients to manage expectations – NAD+ is not a once off fix. Like most things in regenerative medicine and health and wellness – it must be maintained for optimal regenerative effect. Some people will require a mapped out protocol specific to their age and blood work and others can go into a maintenance package.

Each person is uniquely different and must be addressed as such.

NAD+ Infusions at DripDok, located in Bali, Indonesia

Highly qualified physicians at DripDok, specialize in NAD+ IV infusions and advanced regenerative protocols to address age-related concerns. With extensive experience and expertise, our team has successfully treated numerous patients, alleviating common age-related effects such as memory loss, low energy levels, and physical discomfort.

During your consultation with Dripdok, we will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your overall health and symptoms before recommending personalized anti-aging treatments. Our doctors believe in tailoring the treatment protocol based on individual health conditions.

To explore the potential benefits of NAD+ IV infusion therapy and determine if it’s the right option for you, contact DripDok here to schedule a consultation with us. Alternatively, you can visit our website and use our convenient online appointment request form. We also provide the flexibility of telemedicine appointments for your convenience.

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