NAD+ Infusion – A Powerful Key to Preventing Cognitive Decline

Take NAD+ Infusions to protect your neurons against the effects of neurodegenerative diseases.

Not only will you help keep your brain young, but you’ll also support your body’s natural immune system with this process, which can fight off various viral and bacterial infections before they even start.

Restorative processes depend on NAD+, and shortages can cause problems such as metabolic decline, cognitive issues, and a lowered immune system. An NAD+ infusion helps prevent issues before they arise.

Restoring Youthful Vitality

Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies naturally become less able to produce NAD+. In fact, your body starts making less of it after just a few decades. By then, you’ve lost more than half of your peak NAD+ levels.

This decline of NAD+, also known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is thought to be responsible for any signs of aging and age-related disease and disorder. Fortunately, you can halt and even reverse these problems by maintaining healthy levels of NAD+. One way to do that is through NAD+ infusion therapy…

Another way that NAD+ infusions work is by reducing oxidative stress. As you age, there are more free radicals in your body, which are formed when chemicals like oxygen react with other compounds.

These free radicals cause problems including cell damage and increase your chances of developing chronic diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. Antioxidants combat these free radicals by mopping them up before they can cause trouble. Because NAD+ is an antioxidant itself, boosting your levels may give your natural defense system a boost.

Anti-Aging Benefits

NAD+ is required for one of your body’s major anti-aging mechanisms: DNA repair. Older adults need more NAD+ to keep DNA damage at bay and protect against diseases like cancer. If they don’t get enough, they end up more vulnerable. To help with longevity, take an NAD+ infusion as you age (40+) and as a preventative measure if you have certain neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease.

An NAD+ infusion can also help protect your brain against age-related damage. As you age, increased DNA damage in your brain’s neurons can lead to cognitive decline. This loss of cognition may look like Alzheimer’s disease or other degenerative conditions, but it isn’t actually caused by old age.

It is because of age-related DNA damage that cannot be repaired effectively due to an insufficient supply of NAD+. An NAD+ infusion enables your body to increase its production of cells that carry out DNA repair. That means it helps reduce damage and delay or prevent degenerative effects like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other memory disorders.

Neurodegenerative Benefits

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease destroy our neurons—and thus our memories, cognition, and motor function. However, a new study finds that an NAD+ infusion may be able to restore damaged neurons. In fact, many degenerative diseases can be prevented with an NAD+ infusion.

How can we prevent neurodegenerative diseases and preserve our cognitive health? An NAD+ infusion may be able to do just that.

This study found that an NAD+ infusion was able to restore neurons and motor function in rats after it had been damaged by a toxin. What’s more, other studies have shown an NAD+ infusion can help protect against damage caused by Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, HIV/AIDS, trauma, and many more.

Immune System Benefits

Since NAD+ strengthens your immune system, taking an NAD+ infusion can help your body fight infections. A strong immune system isn’t just about fighting off colds and flu’s, though. It helps protect you from other serious diseases like cancer. It also bolsters your body against injuries and physical trauma, so it may even help prevent accidents before they happen. If you’re healthy already, NAD+ infusions could keep you that way for long. If you’re struggling with a specific disease or medical condition, however, do not try self-treatment without talking to a doctor first—the potential risk of side effects far outweighs any potential benefits in most cases.

People with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, may benefit from an NAD+ infusion in order to prevent cognitive decline. These diseases rob people of movement and memory, in addition to other cognitive functions. An NAD+ infusion helps maintain healthy levels of NAD+, which prevents neuronal loss. It also boosts energy levels in cells that are still functional, preventing further damage.

At DripDok we will do a full assessment in addition to biometric tracking so you can literally SEE and feel the difference. Let’s have a moment of silence for your brain fog.

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