NAD+ Supplement Therapy Benefits

Article Highlights

  • NAD+ is an essential molecule for energy (ATP) production in all cells.
  • Sirtuins are protein enzymes that use NAD+ and “turn off” aging, inflammation, fat synthesis and storage and insulin resistance related genes.
  • With the help of NAD+, sirtuins help to guard the genome and serve many important functions that we continue to learn more about in terms of anti-aging.
  • NAD+ is made from niacin, vitamin B3, that exists in the oxidized and reduced form and helps with the conversion of food into energy.
  • NAD+ is important for mitochondrial health and declines as we get older.
  • Low NAD+ levels adversely affect mitochondria and contribute to aging and disease.
  • NAD+ shows promise as a treatment for neurodegenerative and metabolic conditions.
  • NAD+ is used in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction.
  • When it comes to NAD+ supplementation, liposomal NAD+ offers superior absorbability and bioavailability compared to NMN and NR “precursors” which need processing by the body to become NAD+.

What if I told you there were a special nutrient that your body makes from a simple B vitamin, which helps to keep you young and energetic?

Well, it’s true and this nutrient is NAD+.

I’m always amazed in medicine when it’s the simplest of interventions that deliver profound and wide-reaching results. NAD+ might just be a key piece to anti-aging medicine, chronic disease prevention and even recovery from addiction.

The first time I ever tried NAD+ was as NAD IV therapy.

By the time the intravenous NAD+ infusion was over, I was already experiencing subtle changes: my vision was sharper, I felt calmer, I had the energy for a great workout and overall I felt a heightened sense of wellbeing. I continued to see benefits after subsequent infusions.

But not everyone can get an intravenous infusion. And honestly NAD+  is time consuming to infuse cases. In many cases it will cause an unpleasant, benign sensation of muscle tightening when the infusion drip is too fast. At slow drip rates this sensation immediately goes away, it’s a benign effect but it places time constraint limits on the IV infusions which can sometimes take 3-4 hours.

Since IV NAD+ is not available to everyone and can be quite expensive, I began looking into how to bring this vital nutrient to more people in a way that was effective like an IV, but also more affordable and accessible to those who could benefit the most.

And since we all age and are more susceptible to disease as we get older, there are a lot of people who can benefit from this simple and effective therapy.

The main issue with making an oral supplement had always been that NAD+ is a finicky and unstable molecule. This is why most NAD supplements on the market are “precursors” like NMN or NR, molecules that the body may use to manufacture its own NAD+.

But you will see later in the article that NAD+ itself IS now available and in addition we have come up with a high absorption oral “liposomal” form that you can try for yourself without having to sit through an IV session. (If it’s already something you know you want to try, check it out by clicking here).

In this article, you’ll learn more about:

  • What is NAD and niacin NAD+ precursor
  • The role of NAD+ in energy metabolism
  • NAD+ and sirtuins in aging and disease
  • NAD+ supplement use in disease
  • NAD+ in the treatment of addiction
  • Liposomal NAD+ supplements

Niacin, an NAD+ Precursor

Let’s start with the basics. What is NAD?

NAD+ is derived from niacin, which is vitamin B3. Vitamin B3 is an essential nutrient that we need to get from our diet on a regular basis. NAD is found in all living cells and is essential for life. Without it our cells cease to exist.

NAD stands for Nicotinamide Adenosine Dinucleotide, which acts as a coenzyme in every cell, and specifically 70% of it is concentrated in the mitochondria of cells where energy is made (Source 1). A coenzyme is like a helper: it’s needed for the chemical reaction to occur and helps the enzyme to complete the reaction.

NAD+ helps us to produce energy in the form of ATP.

NAD switches between two molecular forms, NAD+ and NADH, and it is involved in something called “redox,” or reduction-oxidation, reactions.

NAD+ is the oxidized form, which is considered the “active” form: it actively accepts two electrons along with a hydrogen from another molecule to form NADH. It’s this electron exchange that produces energy.

NADH is the reduced, or inactive form of NAD. In order for the cell to continue producing energy, NADH needs to be recycled back into NAD+. If that recycling stops, NADH accumulates and the cell runs out of energy. Cells need a continuous supply of energy in order to function, so without NAD+ cells die. (Source 2)

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